Channel: Newsletter Archive – Connecting Solihull & Warwickshire to Fibre Broadband
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Newsletter — January 2015


Number of cabinets live to date: 126

Number of properties passed and now able to connect to the fibre network: 26,365

Topics in this edition:

  • Latest cabinets announced
  • Updated maps on the website
  • Potential voucher scheme to pay for business connections
  • Questions and Answers

Latest cabinets announced

The latest iteration of the rolling 12-month plan is now available on the website. This includes 38 new cabinets across the project area, which will start to go live from now. Remember, though, that each Phase can take up to 6 months to complete! The exchanges for the Phases starting in October 2015 are also included on the list. The rolling 12-month plan can be found here: http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/where-when/rolling-12-month-plan

Updated maps on the website

We’ve also updated the rollout map which now contains a very healthy coverage of green – indicating those areas where the cabinets have been upgraded. Please remember, though, that the mapping is generated using postcodes, and that telecoms infrastructure does not follow postcodes as one cabinet may cover many postcode areas or one postcode may contain many cabinets. For a more accurate understanding of what connectivity is available to your own property and to establish which cabinet your property is connected to please use the DSL checker (www.dslchecker.bt.com). For the best results you will need to be able to enter a BT landline number for your property. If you do not have this then you can use your address, but it may be less accurate. Do not use the postcode checker, as noted above, that covers too wide an area to be of any use.

For the past couple of updates the map has been out of sync with the rolling 12-month plan. This is because whilst we have been given the exchange-level data for the 12-month plan, we have only just received the postcode information to enable the colours on the map to extend beyond April 2015. Therefore we are now able to offer more information about the timing of the rollout in some areas, however it should be noted that the amber colour still denotes those areas for which we are awaiting information, which will be made available as we get nearer to those Phases.

PLEASE NOTE: The new map shows the rollout under Contract 1 only. We will not be able to map coverage under Contract 2 until the spring – see below.

Contract 2, Part 1

The tender for Contract 2, Part 1 arrived on 16th December. Since that time the team have been busy evaluating the information and we hope to be in a position to sign contracts by the end of this month. We can then start to map the information and that should be available during the spring.

You will recall from the November newsletter that Contract 2 is going to be in a number of parts, as funding becomes available. In part 1 we have the rollout for £3.68m Warwickshire County Council funding, plus £380k from Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council. These amounts are matched by BDUK, giving a total of £8.12m to be modelled for Contract 2, Part 1.

Further modelling will be carried out as additional funding becomes available from project partners and other sources so that we should see a steady increase in the projected coverage over the coming months.

The mapping for Contract 2, Part 1 should be ready by the spring and we will, of course, publicise it through the usual channels.

Potential voucher scheme to pay for business connections

We are investigating opportunities to make a voucher scheme available throughout Warwickshire that would help businesses towards the cost of improving their broadband speeds in those areas where cabinets have been upgraded. We are looking at funding, criteria, and eligibility, and will keep you posted on progress. What would be very helpful, however, is to have an indication as to the likely demand for such a scheme. If you think your business might benefit from improved broadband connectivity and you would be interested in learning more about a voucher scheme, please email broadband@cswbroadband.org.uk quoting “Voucher Scheme” in the email subject.

PLEASE NOTE: This is solely to enable us to gauge potential interest in such a scheme. Your email will not be an application, nor will it commit you to anything. We will keep you posted on progress in this matter.

Copy for your own website or newsletter

We regularly produce updates of around 350 words that can be used on your own website or in newsletters. There are a selection of articles available for download and you can select the most appropriate depending on where your particular area is in the rollout pipeline. Copy can be found at: http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/downloads-resources/copy-to-use-on-your-own-website-newsletters-or-flyers

Questions and Answers

My local cabinet has been upgraded but my existing ISP is not offering a superfast service from it – why not?

It is a commercial decision for each ISP to make as to whether to provide superfast services to any area. Although CSW Broadband are providing the fibre and cabinets, and these are available to any ISP in a wholesale basis through BT Openreach (who operate the network), the ISPs also need to put equipment into the exchange in order to upgrade their services to superfast speeds. Not all ISPs will choose to do this in every area, so it may be that you will need to switch provider in order to get a faster connection. It is recommended that you consult an independent source for advice about broadband providers, such as www.MoneySavingExpert.com – the broadband-specific information can be found here http://tinyurl.com/ob92z6m

I am on a new housing development, why don’t I have superfast broadband?

This could be for a number of reasons, depending on the age of the development they could include:

  1. The developers of the site may not have considered that broadband was a facility that they wished to incorporate into the development
  2. The telecoms providers do not know how many houses have been built – it can be as simple as that! During the commercial rollout we had success on Coton Park in Rugby and at Warwick Gates in persuading BT that they should upgrade areas where new homes have been built (that opportunity has now passed as the commercial rollout has ended)
  3. The roads have not been adopted. Sometimes Openreach want to install services but the developers are unwilling to give them permission to put in the necessary infrastructure
  4. You may be too far from the existing networks to make it economically viable

We are working with the local Planning Authorities to set policies in place that will require broadband infrastructure to be installed on new developments as a matter of course, however in the meantime it is best to check availability if you are thinking of moving house or business premises.

Many more frequently asked broadband questions can be found here.

CSW Broadband now on social media – come and join the conversation

We are now on the major social media channels and are already creating a buzz. Join in for up-to-date information and an opportunity to influence how the project develops:

The post Newsletter — January 2015 appeared first on Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire Superfast Broadband.

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