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Newsletter — August 2015


205 cabinets live to date

Over 39,000 properties able to connect to the fibre network

Topics in this edition:

  • CSW Broadband reaches 200th cabinet
  • Million Pound Milestone for Broadband Voucher Scheme
  • Next local briefing event to be held in Solihull
  • Copy for your own website or newsletter
  • Rural Crime
  • Questions and Answers

CSW Broadband reaches 200th cabinet

On 12th August we saw the switching on of the 200th superfast broadband cabinet to be installed as part of the CSW Broadband programme. This major milestone was celebrated by residents and businesses in Lawford Heath, Rugby who can now access faster fibre broadband following the installation of their very own road-side fibre cabinet.

Neil Woolman, local resident and broadband champion, said: “As a serving fireman it is sometimes difficult for me to do my computer-based work on a busy fire station, due to getting called out. Whilst I can in theory connect to the work databases from home this has not been possible until now because of the slow broadband speeds that we have experienced for many years. I have also started a new business venture from home which means I have to use the internet every day which can be quite frustrating as simple tasks like downloading and surfing the internet can take a long time to complete.

“My three teenagers are all delighted too. Downloads that previously took hours to complete can now be done in minutes, and they can save money through no longer having to rely on their mobile connections to Skype friends or for online gaming”.

The new fibre network is provided on a wholesale basis, meaning that any provider can offer services to consumers and businesses.

In February, we announced a further £10.73 million funding that will extend the reach of fibre broadband to another 17,000 homes and businesses across Warwickshire and Solihull. This is in addition to the current roll-out programme.

The announcement came on the same day that the Government announced the nationwide roll-out of superfast broadband has now passed more than three million UK homes and businesses. The roll-out is on track to reach 95 per cent of the UK by 2017 and is now reaching around 5,000 additional premises every day.

Million Pound Milestone for Broadband Voucher Scheme

Over one million pounds has been awarded to businesses in Coventry & Warwickshire through the Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme since it launched in February 2014. Grants of up to £3,000 are available to SMEs, sole traders, social enterprises and registered charities to upgrade to SUPERFAST Broadband. On average businesses benefitting from the scheme have seen their download speeds increase from 8Mbps to 100Mbps meaning online tasks such as file transfers, sales, and video conferencing can be undertaken quickly and reliably. Businesses can become more productive through the use of cloud computing and remote working by staff. The internet also opens up the opportunity to connect with new and existing customers through online communication channels and access new markets through digital marketing.

Businesses are encouraged to make use of the scheme while funding is still available and help ensure their business is ready for today’s digital challenges. Local business, CP Power & Automation, have summed up the benefits of SUPERFAST Broadband perfectly, saying: ‘the broadband is so good now we don’t have to think about it anymore’.

The Scheme is administered by Coventry City Council’s Innovative Coventry Team, part of the Council’s business investment offer to drive economic growth and job creation. To apply, find out more about the scheme or see who the most active broadband suppliers are visit: www.coventry.gov.uk/broadband . The team can also be contacted via email at broadband@coventry.gov.uk or phone on 024 7683 1833.

Next local briefing event to be held in Solihull

We have now run events in Rugby, Warwick, Stratford and Atherstone. The next event will be held on Wednesday 9th September in the theatre within the Solihull Arts complex from 6:15. The programme is:

6:15 – Arrival and registration

6:30 – Presentation outlining progress so far, what is known of the future and the Connection Voucher Scheme

7:00 – Q&A session

8:30 – Finish (depending on the number of questions!)

The venue is the Solihull Arts Complex (B91 3RG). All are welcome, so if you couldn’t get to one of the earlier events please feel free to come to this one.

Go to our Eventbrite page to book: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/csw-broadband-3997770867

Copy for your own website or newsletter

We regularly produce updates of around 350 words that can be used on your own website or in newsletters. There are a selection of articles available for download and you can select the most appropriate depending on where your particular area is in the rollout pipeline. Copy can be found at: http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/downloads-resources/copy-to-use-on-your-own-website-newsletters-or-flyers

Rural Crime

Warwickshire County Council’s Rural Watch Project gives information and advice about crime in the rural areas. The team are currently organising community events in a number of villages to do free property marking. Details of the events will appear on the project website www.warwickshireruralwatch.co.uk/index.html

Questions and Answers

These are some of the Q&As raised at our local briefing events. Our newly revamped website will have an updated set of Q&As. More details in the September newsletter

Why isn’t broadband delivery a requirement for developers?

This is down to the National Planning Policy Framework, which does not require broadband infrastructure on new developments. We are working with our Local Planning Authorities to put a requirement into the Local Plans and Local Infrastructure Plans. We are also briefing local MPs on the need for action to prevent the creation of a new digital divide – whereby existing properties will be connected through this project but new properties will not.

For anyone thinking of buying a new house the advice is to not just assume that broadband is available but if this is important to you to check before buying.

Do you have timescales for when C2 Part 1 areas will be upgraded?

Not yet. We hope to publish details of the first Phases of contract 2, Part 1 later this year.

What technologies will be used in C2 Part 1?

The contract has deliberately been written to be technology agnostic. This is because the pace of change is accelerating and we want to be able to take advantage of new advances as they become available. The most appropriate available technology will be chosen for each location.

Why can’t you provide interim solutions for those who will have to wait a long time for their area to be upgraded?

BDUK has given an undertaking that all premises will be able to access broadband of at least 2Mbps from 2016. It is likely that this will take the form of a voucher for a satellite connection. Details are still being agreed between BT and BDUK and we are awaiting more information on this scheme.

Can we tap into a private line?

No. A private line is just that. Businesses can purchased a high-speed leased line. They will pay several thousand pounds for installation and a high usage charge. These lines run on a different network and are therefore not available for use by communities or individuals.

Does BT look at the existing infrastructure that is being used, or may have been used in the past, by private suppliers?

BT will only use their own infrastructure, or that which is installed to their specification by developers. It’s a bit like highways who will only adopt roads that have been newly constructed to a set specification.

Is the modelling for the CSW Broadband Project and the commercial rollout available publically?

No. The modelling will include information that is owned by BT and is commercially sensitive so that whilst the rollout areas are visible the underlying data is not.

Many more frequently asked broadband questions can be found on our website at: http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/faq

CSW Broadband now on social media – come and join the conversation

We are now on the major social media channels and are already creating a buzz. Join in for up-to-date information and an opportunity to influence how the project develops:

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